The Screen Saver QuicKeys are three QuicKeys™ extensions which communicate between QuicKeys and After Dark™ (and other screen savers which follow the Gestalt interface instituted by Berkeley Systems). They allow QuicKeys to control the screen saver and test the state the screen saver is in (asleep, awake, etc), doing a decision or jump on the outcome.
How to Install
Simply double-click the Installer Script icon that is in the same folder as this document. The QuicKeys Shortcut Installer will do the rest.
The Screen Saver Quickeys need QuicKeys 3.0 or better and System 6.0.5 or better.
They can work with After Dark 2.0u or better, but certain features (enabling and disabling After Dark and testing for sound and SystemIQ™) require After Dark 2.0x or better (or its derivatives such as Star Trek The Screen Saver™).
Many other screen savers, including Basic Black and DarkSide of the Macintosh, use the same Gestalt interface as After Dark, so most functions of Screen Saver QuicKeys should work with them too. I have not tested this, however.
Screen Saver Control
Use this extension to control the screen saver:
Balloon help is provided, not that you need it, I hope.
If the command is impossible for some reason (eg no screen saver was installed or you tried to wake up a password-protected screen saver), the shortcut will do nothing.
Screen Saver Decision
This is just like the standard Decision extension:
Not every test is supported by every screen saver. In such cases (also when there is no screen saver installed), the screen saver is deemed to be the relevant one of: uninstalled; disabled; awake; unlocked; silent; or ignoring the SystemIQ.
Screen Saver Jump
This is just like the standard Jump extension:
The same rules as above apply for tests which are not supported by the screen saver. Be aware that a sequence will generally wake the screen saver initially, so the “Is Asleep” test is unlikely to cause a jump.
NB: There is a slight possibility that a future version of QuicKeys may change the way it handles sequences, in which case this extension may no longer work. I make no commitment to update the extension should this happen.
All three extensions are fully scriptable. The syntax is as follows:
ScreenSaverControl [Wake|Sleep|Enable|Disable]
ScreenSaverDecision [ [Installed|NotInstalled]
| [Enabled|Disabled]
| [Asleep|Awake]
| [Locked|Unlocked]
| [UsingSound|Silent]
| [UsesSysIQ|IgnoresSysIQ] ]
{True_Shortcut "shortcut name"}
{False_Shortcut "shortcut name"}
ScreenSaverJump [ [Installed|NotInstalled]
| [Enabled|Disabled]
| [Asleep|Awake]
| [Locked|Unlocked]
| [UsingSound|Silent]
| [UsesSysIQ|IgnoresSysIQ] ]
Steps ##
Fine Print
Screen Saver QuicKeys is postcardware. Non-commercial distribution is encouraged, but please only distribute the original compressed archive so that all the files stay together. Commercial distribution requires my express written permission.
If you like the QuicKeys, send me a postcard at:
230 Wandsworth Bridge Road,
United Kingdom.
SW6 2UD.
Or send me email if you prefer.
Screen Saver QuicKeys is distributed as is in the hope it may be useful. I believe it to be safe, but you are warned that I wrote all three extensions in about twelve hours and I accept no resonsibility for any loss or damage caused by their use. So if it trashes your hard disk and you lose $1,000,000 worth of unbacked-up data, that's your problem.